44 lines
1.5 KiB
44 lines
1.5 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using Xunit;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
namespace Tests.Lib.Localization
public class Translations_test
public void TranslationsYamlIsValid()
// Read the file
var translationFile = File.ReadAllText(Path.GetFullPath("./../../../../Geekbot.net/Lib/Localization/Translations.yml"));
// Deserialize
var input = new StringReader(translationFile);
var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build();
var rawTranslations = deserializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>>>(input);
// These languages must be supported
var supportedLanguages = new List<string>
// Iterate every single key to make sure it's populated
foreach (var command in rawTranslations)
foreach (var str in command.Value)
str.Value.Select(e => e.Key).ToList().Should().BeEquivalentTo(supportedLanguages, str.Key);
foreach (var lang in str.Value)
lang.Value.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty($"{command.Key} / {str.Key} / {lang.Key}");