using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.Net; using; using; using; using; using; namespace { [Group("role")] public class Role : ModuleBase { private readonly DatabaseContext _database; private readonly IErrorHandler _errorHandler; private readonly IReactionListener _reactionListener; public Role(DatabaseContext database, IErrorHandler errorHandler, IReactionListener reactionListener) { _database = database; _errorHandler = errorHandler; _reactionListener = reactionListener; } [Command(RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Summary("Get a list of all available roles.")] public async Task GetAllRoles() { try { var roles = _database.RoleSelfService.Where(g => g.GuildId.Equals(Context.Guild.Id.AsLong())).ToList(); if (roles.Count == 0) { await ReplyAsync("There are no roles configured for this server"); return; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"**Self Service Roles on {Context.Guild.Name}**"); sb.AppendLine("To get a role, use `!role name`"); foreach (var role in roles) sb.AppendLine($"- {role.WhiteListName}"); await ReplyAsync(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [Command(RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Summary("Get a role by mentioning it.")] public async Task GiveRole([Summary("roleNickname")] string roleNameRaw) { try { var roleName = roleNameRaw.ToLower(); var roleFromDb = _database.RoleSelfService.FirstOrDefault(e => e.GuildId.Equals(Context.Guild.Id.AsLong()) && e.WhiteListName.Equals(roleName)); if (roleFromDb != null) { var guildUser = (IGuildUser) Context.User; var role = Context.Guild.Roles.First(r => r.Id == roleFromDb.RoleId.AsUlong()); if (role == null) { await ReplyAsync("That role doesn't seem to exist"); return; } if (guildUser.RoleIds.Contains(role.Id)) { await guildUser.RemoveRoleAsync(role); await ReplyAsync($"Removed you from {role.Name}"); return; } await guildUser.AddRoleAsync(role); await ReplyAsync($"Added you to {role.Name}"); return; } await ReplyAsync("That role doesn't seem to exist"); } catch (HttpException e) { _errorHandler.HandleHttpException(e, Context); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ManageRoles)] [Command("add", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Summary("Add a role to the whitelist.")] public async Task AddRole([Summary("@role")] IRole role, [Summary("alias")] string roleName) { try { if (role.IsManaged) { await ReplyAsync("You can't add a role that is managed by discord"); return; } if (role.Permissions.ManageRoles || role.Permissions.Administrator || role.Permissions.ManageGuild || role.Permissions.BanMembers || role.Permissions.KickMembers) { await ReplyAsync( "You cannot add that role to self service because it contains one or more dangerous permissions"); return; } _database.RoleSelfService.Add(new RoleSelfServiceModel { GuildId = Context.Guild.Id.AsLong(), RoleId = role.Id.AsLong(), WhiteListName = roleName }); _database.SaveChanges(); await ReplyAsync($"Added {role.Name} to the whitelist"); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ManageRoles)] [Command("remove", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Summary("Remove a role from the whitelist.")] public async Task RemoveRole([Summary("roleNickname")] string roleName) { try { var roleFromDb = _database.RoleSelfService.FirstOrDefault(e => e.GuildId.Equals(Context.Guild.Id.AsLong()) && e.WhiteListName.Equals(roleName)); if (roleFromDb != null) { _database.RoleSelfService.Remove(roleFromDb); _database.SaveChanges(); await ReplyAsync($"Removed {roleName} from the whitelist"); return; } await ReplyAsync("There is not whitelisted role with that name"); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ManageRoles)] [Summary("Give a role by clicking on an emoji")] [Command("listen", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] public async Task AddListener([Summary("messageID")] string messageId, [Summary("Emoji")] string emoji, [Summary("@role")] IRole role) { try { var message = (IUserMessage) await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(ulong.Parse(messageId)); IEmote emote; if (!emoji.StartsWith('<')) { var emo = new Emoji(emoji); emote = emo; } else { emote = Emote.Parse(emoji); } await message.AddReactionAsync(emote); await _reactionListener.AddRoleToListener(messageId, emote, role); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } catch (HttpException e) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Custom emojis from other servers are not supported"); Console.WriteLine(e); } catch (Exception e) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Something went wrong... please try again on a new message"); Console.WriteLine(e); } } } }