[![pipeline status](https://git.boerlage.me/open/Geekbot.net/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://git.boerlage.me/open/Geekbot.net/commits/master) # [Geekbot.net](https://geekbot.pizzaandcoffee.rocks/) A General Purpose Discord Bot written in DotNet Core. You can invite Geekbot to your server with [this link](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=171249478546882561&scope=bot&permissions=1416834054) ## Technologies * DotNet Core 2 * Redis * Discord.net ## Running Make sure redis is running Run these commands * `dotnet restore` * `dotnet run` On your first run geekbot will ask for your bot token, everything else is taken care of. For a list of launch options use `dotnet run -h` ## Contributing Everyone is free to open an issue or create a pull request