using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord.Commands; using; namespace { public class Dice : ModuleBase { private readonly Random rnd; public Dice(Random RandomClient) { rnd = RandomClient; } [Command("dice", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Randomness)] [Summary("Roll a dice.")] public async Task RollCommand([Remainder] [Summary("diceType")] string diceType = "1d20") { var splitedDices = diceType.Split("+"); var dices = new List(); var mod = 0; foreach (var i in splitedDices) { var dice = toDice(i); if (dice.sides != 0 && dice.times != 0) { dices.Add(dice); } else if (dice.mod != 0) { if (mod != 0) { await ReplyAsync("You can only have one mod"); return; } mod = dice.mod; } } if (!dices.Any()) { await ReplyAsync( "That is not a valid dice, examples are: 1d20, 1d6, 2d6, 1d6+2, 1d6+2d8+1d20+6, etc..."); return; } if (dices.Any(d => d.times > 20)) { await ReplyAsync("You can't throw more than 20 dices"); return; } if (dices.Any(d => d.sides > 120)) { await ReplyAsync("A dice can't have more than 120 sides"); return; } var rep = new StringBuilder(); rep.AppendLine($":game_die: {Context.User.Mention}"); rep.Append("**Result:** "); var resultStrings = new List(); var total = 0; var extraText = ""; foreach (var dice in dices) { var results = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < dice.times; i++) { var roll = rnd.Next(1, dice.sides); total += roll; results.Add(roll); if (roll == dice.sides) { extraText = "**Critical Hit!**"; } if (roll == 1) { extraText = "**Critical Fail!**"; } } resultStrings.Add($"{dice.diceType} ({string.Join(",", results)})"); } rep.Append(string.Join(" + ", resultStrings)); if (mod != 0) { rep.Append($" + {mod}"); total += mod; } rep.AppendLine(); rep.AppendLine($"**Total:** {total}"); if (extraText != "") { rep.AppendLine(extraText); } await ReplyAsync(rep.ToString()); } private DiceTypeDto toDice(string dice) { var diceParts = dice.Split('d'); if (diceParts.Length == 2 && int.TryParse(diceParts[0], out int times) && int.TryParse(diceParts[1], out int max)) { return new DiceTypeDto() { diceType = dice, times = times, sides = max }; } if (dice.Length == 1 && int.TryParse(diceParts[0], out int mod)) { return new DiceTypeDto() { mod = mod }; } return new DiceTypeDto(); } } class DiceTypeDto { public string diceType { get; set; } public int times { get; set; } public int sides { get; set; } public int mod { get; set; } } }