using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using; namespace { public class Counters : ModuleBase { private readonly IRedisClient redis; public Counters(IRedisClient redisClient) { redis = redisClient; } [Command("good", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Increase Someones Karma")] public async Task Good([Summary("The someone")] IUser user) { var lastKarma = GetLastKarma(); if (user.Id == Context.User.Id) { await ReplyAsync($"Sorry {Context.User.Username}, but you can't give yourself karma"); } else if (lastKarma > GetUnixTimestamp()) { await ReplyAsync($"Sorry {Context.User.Username}, but you have to wait {GetTimeLeft(lastKarma)} before you can give karma again..."); } else { var key = Context.Guild.Id + "-" + user.Id + "-karma"; var badJokes = (int)redis.Client.StringGet(key); var newBadJokes = badJokes + 1; redis.Client.StringSet(key, newBadJokes.ToString()); var lastKey = Context.Guild.Id + "-" + Context.User.Id + "-karma-timeout"; redis.Client.StringSet(lastKey, GetNewLastKarma()); var eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder() .WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithName(user.Username)); eb.WithColor(new Color(138, 219, 146)); eb.Title = "Karma Increased"; eb.AddInlineField("By", Context.User.Username); eb.AddInlineField("amount", "+1"); eb.AddInlineField("Current Karma",newBadJokes); await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build()); } } [Command("bad", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Decrease Someones Karma")] public async Task Bad([Summary("The someone")] IUser user) { var lastKarma = GetLastKarma(); if (user.Id == Context.User.Id) { await ReplyAsync($"Sorry {Context.User.Username}, but you can't lower your own karma"); } else if (lastKarma > GetUnixTimestamp()) { await ReplyAsync($"Sorry {Context.User.Username}, but you have to wait {GetTimeLeft(lastKarma)} before you can take karma again..."); } else { var key = Context.Guild.Id + "-" + user.Id + "-karma"; var badJokes = (int)redis.Client.StringGet(key); var newBadJokes = badJokes - 1; redis.Client.StringSet(key, newBadJokes.ToString()); var lastKey = Context.Guild.Id + "-" + Context.User.Id + "-karma-timeout"; redis.Client.StringSet(lastKey, GetNewLastKarma()); var eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder() .WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithName(user.Username)); eb.WithColor(new Color(138, 219, 146)); eb.Title = "Karma Decreased"; eb.AddInlineField("By", Context.User.Username); eb.AddInlineField("amount", "-1"); eb.AddInlineField("Current Karma",newBadJokes); await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build()); } } private int GetLastKarma() { var lastKey = Context.Guild.Id + "-" + Context.User.Id + "-karma-timeout"; var redisReturn = redis.Client.StringGet(lastKey); if (!int.TryParse(redisReturn.ToString(), out var i)) { i = GetUnixTimestamp(); } return i; } private int GetNewLastKarma() { var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3); return (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).Add(timeout)).TotalSeconds; } private int GetUnixTimestamp() { return (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; } private string GetTimeLeft(int time) { DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0,0,DateTimeKind.Utc); dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddSeconds( time ).ToLocalTime(); var dt = dtDateTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now); return $"{dt.Minutes} Minutes and {dt.Seconds} Seconds"; } } }