using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord.Commands; using; using; namespace { public class Roll : ModuleBase { private readonly IRedisClient redis; private readonly IRandomClient rnd; public Roll(IRedisClient redisClient, IRandomClient randomClient) { redis = redisClient; rnd = randomClient; } [Command("roll", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Roll a number between 1 and 100.")] public async Task RollCommand([Remainder, Summary("stuff...")] string stuff = "nothing") { var number = rnd.Client.Next(1, 100); var guess = 1000; int.TryParse(stuff, out guess); if (guess <= 100 && guess > 0) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.Message.Author.Mention} you rolled {number}, your guess was {guess}"); if (guess == number) { await ReplyAsync($"Congratulations {Context.User.Username}, your guess was correct!"); var key = $"{Context.Guild.Id}-{Context.User.Id}-correctRolls"; var messages = (int)redis.Client.StringGet(key); redis.Client.StringSet(key, (messages + 1).ToString()); } } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + ", you rolled " + number); } } [Command("dice", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Roll a dice")] public async Task DiceCommand([Summary("The highest number on the dice")] int max = 6) { var number = rnd.Client.Next(1, max); await ReplyAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + ", you rolled " + number); } } }