using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using; namespace { public class Ship : ModuleBase { private readonly IRedisClient redis; private readonly IRandomClient rnd; public Ship(IRedisClient redisClient, IRandomClient randomClient) { redis = redisClient; rnd = randomClient; } [Command("Ship", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Ask the Shipping meter")] public async Task Command([Summary("User 1")] IUser user1, [Summary("User 2")] IUser user2) { // Create a String var dbstring = ""; if (user1.Id > user2.Id) { dbstring = $"{user1.Id}-{user2.Id}"; } else { dbstring = $"{user2.Id}-{user1.Id}"; } dbstring = $"{Context.Guild.Id}-{dbstring}"; Console.WriteLine(dbstring); var dbval = redis.Client.StringGet(dbstring); var shippingRate = 0; if (dbval.IsNullOrEmpty) { shippingRate = rnd.Client.Next(1, 100); redis.Client.StringSet(dbstring, shippingRate); } else { shippingRate = int.Parse(dbval.ToString()); } var reply = ":heartpulse: **Matchmaking** :heartpulse:\r\n"; reply = reply + $":two_hearts: {user1.Mention} :heart: {user2.Mention} :two_hearts:\r\n"; reply = reply + $"0% [{BlockCounter(shippingRate)}] 100% - {DeterminateSuccess(shippingRate)}"; await ReplyAsync(reply); } private string DeterminateSuccess(int rate) { if (rate < 20) { return "Not gonna happen"; } if (rate >= 20 && rate < 40) { return "Not such a good idea"; } if (rate >= 40 && rate < 60) { return "There might be a chance"; } if (rate >= 60 && rate < 80) { return "Almost a match, but could work"; } if (rate >= 80) { return "It's a match"; } return "a"; } private string BlockCounter(int rate) { var amount = Math.Floor(decimal.Floor(rate / 10)); Console.WriteLine(amount); var blocks = ""; for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if(i <= amount) { blocks = blocks + ":white_medium_small_square:"; if(i == amount) { blocks = blocks + $" {rate}% "; } } else { blocks = blocks + ":black_medium_small_square:"; } } return blocks; } } }