using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; namespace { class Program { private CommandService commands; private DiscordSocketClient client; private DependencyMap map; private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Staring..."); new Program().MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } public async Task MainAsync() { client = new DiscordSocketClient(); commands = new CommandService(); string token = "MTgxMDkyOTgxMDUzNDU2Mzg0.C8_UTw.PvXLAVOTccbrWKLMeyvN9WqRPlU"; map = new DependencyMap(); await InstallCommands(); await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token); await client.StartAsync(); await Task.Delay(-1); } public async Task InstallCommands() { // Hook the MessageReceived Event into our Command Handler client.MessageReceived += HandleCommand; client.MessageReceived += HandleMessageReceived; // Discover all of the commands in this assembly and load them. await commands.AddModulesAsync(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); } public async Task HandleCommand(SocketMessage messageParam) { // Don't process the command if it was a System Message var message = messageParam as SocketUserMessage; if (message == null) return; // Create a number to track where the prefix ends and the command begins int argPos = 0; // Determine if the message is a command, based on if it starts with '!' or a mention prefix if (!(message.HasCharPrefix('!', ref argPos) || message.HasMentionPrefix(client.CurrentUser, ref argPos))) return; // Create a Command Context var context = new CommandContext(client, message); // Execute the command. (result does not indicate a return value, // rather an object stating if the command executed succesfully) var result = await commands.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, map); if (!result.IsSuccess) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ErrorReason); } } public async Task HandleMessageReceived(SocketMessage messsageParam) { var message = messsageParam; if (message == null) return; if (message.Author.Username.Contains("Geekbot")) return; Console.WriteLine(message.Channel + " - " + message.Author + " - " + message.Content); } } }