using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; using; using; using; using StackExchange.Redis; namespace { [Group("admin")] [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.Administrator)] public class Admin : ModuleBase { private readonly DiscordSocketClient _client; private readonly IErrorHandler _errorHandler; private readonly IDatabase _redis; private readonly ITranslationHandler _translation; public Admin(IDatabase redis, DiscordSocketClient client, IErrorHandler errorHandler, ITranslationHandler translationHandler) { _redis = redis; _client = client; _errorHandler = errorHandler; _translation = translationHandler; } [Command("welcome", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Set a Welcome Message (use '$user' to mention the new joined user).")] public async Task SetWelcomeMessage([Remainder] [Summary("message")] string welcomeMessage) { _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("WelcomeMsg", welcomeMessage)}); var formatedMessage = welcomeMessage.Replace("$user", Context.User.Mention); await ReplyAsync($"Welcome message has been changed\r\nHere is an example of how it would look:\r\n{formatedMessage}"); } [Command("modchannel", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Set a channel for moderation purposes")] public async Task SelectModChannel([Summary("#Channel")] ISocketMessageChannel channel) { try { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Successfully saved mod channel, you can now do the following"); sb.AppendLine("- `!admin showleave true` - send message to mod channel when someone leaves"); sb.AppendLine("- `!admin showdel true` - send message to mod channel when someone deletes a message"); await channel.SendMessageAsync(sb.ToString()); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ModChannel", channel.Id.ToString())}); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context, "That channel doesn't seem to be valid"); } } [Command("showleave", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Notify modchannel when someone leaves")] public async Task ShowLeave([Summary("true/false")] bool enabled) { var modChannelId = ulong.Parse(_redis.HashGet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", "ModChannel")); try { var modChannel = (ISocketMessageChannel) _client.GetChannel(modChannelId); if (enabled) { await modChannel.SendMessageAsync("Saved - now sending messages here when someone leaves"); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ShowLeave", true)}); } else { await modChannel.SendMessageAsync("Saved - stopping sending messages here when someone leaves"); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ShowLeave", false)}); } } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context, "Modchannel doesn't seem to exist, please set one with `!admin modchannel [channelId]`"); } } [Command("showdel", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Notify modchannel when someone deletes a message")] public async Task ShowDelete([Summary("true/false")] bool enabled) { var modChannelId = ulong.Parse(_redis.HashGet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", "ModChannel")); try { var modChannel = (ISocketMessageChannel) _client.GetChannel(modChannelId); if (enabled) { await modChannel.SendMessageAsync( "Saved - now sending messages here when someone deletes a message"); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ShowDelete", true)}); } else { await modChannel.SendMessageAsync( "Saved - stopping sending messages here when someone deletes a message"); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ShowDelete", false)}); } } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context, "Modchannel doesn't seem to exist, please set one with `!admin modchannel [channelId]`"); } } [Command("setlang", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Change the bots language")] public async Task SetLanguage([Summary("language")] string languageRaw) { try { var language = languageRaw.ToUpper(); var success = _translation.SetLanguage(Context.Guild.Id, language); if (success) { var trans = _translation.GetDict(Context); await ReplyAsync(trans["NewLanguageSet"]); return; } await ReplyAsync( $"That doesn't seem to be a supported language\r\nSupported Languages are {string.Join(", ", _translation.GetSupportedLanguages())}"); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [Command("wiki", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Change the wikipedia instance (use lang code in")] public async Task SetWikiLanguage([Summary("language")] string languageRaw) { try { var language = languageRaw.ToLower(); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("WikiLang", language) }); await ReplyAsync($"Now using the {language} wikipedia"); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [Command("lang", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Change the bots language")] public async Task GetLanguage() { try { var trans = _translation.GetDict(Context); await ReplyAsync(trans["GetLanguage"]); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } [Command("ping", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Admin)] [Summary("Enable the ping reply.")] public async Task TogglePing() { try { bool.TryParse(_redis.HashGet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", "ping"), out var current); _redis.HashSet($"{Context.Guild.Id}:Settings", new[] {new HashEntry("ping", current ? "false" : "true") }); await ReplyAsync(!current ? "i will reply to ping now" : "No more pongs..."); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } } }