using System; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.Net; using; using HtmlAgilityPack; using WikipediaApi; using WikipediaApi.Page; namespace { public class Wikipedia : ModuleBase { private readonly IErrorHandler _errorHandler; private readonly IWikipediaClient _wikipediaClient; public Wikipedia(IErrorHandler errorHandler, IWikipediaClient wikipediaClient) { _errorHandler = errorHandler; _wikipediaClient = wikipediaClient; } [Command("wiki", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] [Remarks(CommandCategories.Helpers)] [Summary("Get an article from wikipedia.")] public async Task GetPreview([Remainder] [Summary("Article")] string articleName) { try { var article = await _wikipediaClient.GetPreview(articleName.Replace(" ", "_")); if (article.Type != PageTypes.Standard) { switch (article.Type) { case PageTypes.Disambiguation: await ReplyAsync($"**__Disambiguation__**\r\n{DisambiguationExtractor(article.ExtractHtml)}"); break; case PageTypes.MainPage: await ReplyAsync("The main page is not supported"); break; case PageTypes.NoExtract: await ReplyAsync($"This page has no summary, here is the link: {article.ContentUrls.Desktop.Page}"); break; case PageTypes.Standard: break; default: await ReplyAsync($"This page type is currently not supported, here is the link: {article.ContentUrls.Desktop.Page}"); break; } return; } var eb = new EmbedBuilder { Title = article.Title, Description = article.Extract, ImageUrl = article.Thumbnail?.Source.ToString(), Url = article.ContentUrls.Desktop.Page.ToString() }; await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build()); } catch (HttpRequestException) { await ReplyAsync("I couldn't find that article"); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } } private string DisambiguationExtractor(string extractHtml) { var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(extractHtml); var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//li"); if (nodes == null) return "(List is to long to show)"; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var node in nodes) { var split = node.InnerText.Split(','); var title = split.First(); var desc = string.Join(",", split.Skip(1)); sb.AppendLine($"**{title}** - {desc}"); } return sb.ToString(); } } }