313 lines
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313 lines
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Geekbot.net.Database;
using Geekbot.net.Database.Models;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.CommandPreconditions;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.ErrorHandling;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.Extensions;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.Localization;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.Polyfills;
using Geekbot.net.Lib.RandomNumberGenerator;
namespace Geekbot.net.Commands.Utils.Quote
public class Quote : ModuleBase
private readonly IErrorHandler _errorHandler;
private readonly DatabaseContext _database;
private readonly IRandomNumberGenerator _randomNumberGenerator;
private readonly ITranslationHandler _translationHandler;
public Quote(IErrorHandler errorHandler, DatabaseContext database, IRandomNumberGenerator randomNumberGenerator, ITranslationHandler translationHandler)
_errorHandler = errorHandler;
_database = database;
_randomNumberGenerator = randomNumberGenerator;
_translationHandler = translationHandler;
[Summary("Return a random quoute from the database")]
public async Task GetRandomQuote()
var s = _database.Quotes.Where(e => e.GuildId.Equals(Context.Guild.Id.AsLong())).ToList();
if (!s.Any())
var transContext = await _translationHandler.GetGuildContext(Context);
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("NoQuotesFound"));
var random = _randomNumberGenerator.Next(0, s.Count);
var quote = s[random];
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context, "Whoops, seems like the quote was to edgy to return");
[Summary("Save a quote from the last sent message by @user")]
public async Task SaveQuote([Summary("@someone")] IUser user)
var transContext = await _translationHandler.GetGuildContext(Context);
if (user.Id == Context.Message.Author.Id)
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("CannotSaveOwnQuotes"));
if (user.IsBot)
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("CannotQuoteBots"));
var lastMessage = await GetLastMessageByUser(user);
if (lastMessage == null) return;
var quote = CreateQuoteObject(lastMessage);
await _database.SaveChangesAsync();
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("QuoteAdded"), false, embed.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context,
"I counldn't find a quote from that user :disappointed:");
[Summary("Save a quote from a message id")]
public async Task SaveQuote([Summary("message-ID")] ulong messageId)
var transContext = await _translationHandler.GetGuildContext(Context);
var message = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId);
if (message.Author.Id == Context.Message.Author.Id)
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("CannotSaveOwnQuotes"));
if (message.Author.IsBot)
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("CannotQuoteBots"));
var quote = CreateQuoteObject(message);
await _database.SaveChangesAsync();
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("QuoteAdded"), false, embed.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context,
"I couldn't find a message with that id :disappointed:");
[Summary("Create a quote from the last sent message by @user")]
public async Task ReturnSpecifiedQuote([Summary("@someone")] IUser user)
var lastMessage = await GetLastMessageByUser(user);
if (lastMessage == null) return;
var quote = CreateQuoteObject(lastMessage);
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context,
"I counldn't find a quote from that user :disappointed:");
[Summary("Create a quote from a message id")]
public async Task ReturnSpecifiedQuote([Summary("message-ID")] ulong messageId)
var message = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId);
var quote = CreateQuoteObject(message);
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context,
"I couldn't find a message with that id :disappointed:");
[Summary("Remove a quote (user needs the 'ManageMessages' permission)")]
public async Task RemoveQuote([Summary("quote-ID")] int id)
var transContext = await _translationHandler.GetGuildContext(Context);
var quote = _database.Quotes.Where(e => e.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id.AsLong() && e.InternalId == id)?.FirstOrDefault();
if (quote != null)
await _database.SaveChangesAsync();
var embed = QuoteBuilder(quote);
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("Removed", id), false, embed.Build());
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("NotFoundWithId"));
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context, "I couldn't find a quote with that id :disappointed:");
[Summary("Show quote stats for this server")]
public async Task GetQuoteStatsForServer()
// setup
var transContext = await _translationHandler.GetGuildContext(Context);
var eb = new EmbedBuilder();
eb.Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
IconUrl = Context.Guild.IconUrl,
Name = $"{Context.Guild.Name} - {transContext.GetString("QuoteStats")}"
// gather data
var totalQuotes = _database.Quotes.Count(row => row.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id.AsLong());
if (totalQuotes == 0)
// no quotes, no stats, end of the road
await ReplyAsync(transContext.GetString("NoQuotesFound"));
var mostQuotedPerson = _database.Quotes
.Where(row => row.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id.AsLong())
.GroupBy(row => row.UserId)
.Select(row => new { userId = row.Key, amount = row.Count()})
.OrderBy(row => row.amount)
var mostQuotedPersonUser = Context.Client.GetUserAsync(mostQuotedPerson.userId.AsUlong()).Result ?? new UserPolyfillDto {Username = "Unknown User"};
var quotesByYear = _database.Quotes
.Where(row => row.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id.AsLong())
.GroupBy(row => row.Time.Year)
.Select(row => new { year = row.Key, amount = row.Count()})
.OrderBy(row => row.year);
// add data to the embed
eb.AddField(transContext.GetString("MostQuotesPerson"), $"{mostQuotedPersonUser.Username} ({mostQuotedPerson.amount})");
eb.AddInlineField(transContext.GetString("TotalQuotes"), totalQuotes);
foreach (var year in quotesByYear)
eb.AddInlineField(year.year.ToString(), year.amount);
await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build());
catch (Exception e)
await _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context);
private async Task<IMessage> GetLastMessageByUser(IUser user)
var list = Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync().Flatten();
return await list.FirstOrDefaultAsync(msg =>
msg.Author.Id == user.Id &&
msg.Embeds.Count == 0 &&
msg.Id != Context.Message.Id &&
await ReplyAsync($"No quoteable message have been sent by {user.Username} in this channel");
return null;
private EmbedBuilder QuoteBuilder(QuoteModel quote)
var user = Context.Client.GetUserAsync(quote.UserId.AsUlong()).Result ?? new UserPolyfillDto { Username = "Unknown User" };
var eb = new EmbedBuilder();
eb.WithColor(new Color(143, 167, 232));
if (quote.InternalId == 0)
eb.Title = $"{user.Username} @ {quote.Time.Day}.{quote.Time.Month}.{quote.Time.Year}";
eb.Title = $"#{quote.InternalId} | {user.Username} @ {quote.Time.Day}.{quote.Time.Month}.{quote.Time.Year}";
eb.Description = quote.Quote;
eb.ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();
if (quote.Image != null) eb.ImageUrl = quote.Image;
return eb;
private QuoteModel CreateQuoteObject(IMessage message)
string image;
image = message.Attachments.First().Url;
catch (Exception)
image = null;
var last = _database.Quotes.Where(e => e.GuildId.Equals(Context.Guild.Id.AsLong())).OrderByDescending(e => e.InternalId).FirstOrDefault();
var internalId = 0;
if (last != null) internalId = last.InternalId + 1;
return new QuoteModel()
InternalId = internalId,
GuildId = Context.Guild.Id.AsLong(),
UserId = message.Author.Id.AsLong(),
Time = message.Timestamp.DateTime,
Quote = message.Content,
Image = image
} |