
220 lines
8 KiB

"dateTime": {
"Days": {
"EN": ["day", "days"],
"CHDE": ["tag", "täg"]
"Hours": {
"EN": ["hour", "hours"],
"CHDE": ["stund", "stunde"]
"Minutes": {
"EN": ["minute", "minutes"],
"CHDE": ["minute", "minute"]
"Seconds": {
"EN": ["second", "seconds"],
"CHDE": ["sekunde", "sekunde"]
"And": {
"EN": ["and"],
"CHDE": ["und"]
"admin": {
"NewLanguageSet": {
"EN": ["I will reply in english from now on"],
"CHDE": ["I werd ab jetzt uf schwiizerdüütsch antworte, äuuä"]
"GetLanguage": {
"EN": ["I'm talking english"],
"CHDE": ["I red schwiizerdüütsch"]
"errorHandler": {
"SomethingWentWrong": {
"EN": ["Something went wrong :confused:"],
"CHDE": ["Öppis isch schief gange :confused:"]
"httpErrors": {
"403": {
"EN": ["Seems like i don't have enough permission to that :confused:"],
"CHDE": ["Gseht danach us das ich nid gnueg recht han zum das mache :confused:"]
"choose": {
"Choice": {
"EN": ["I Choose **{0}**"],
"CHDE": ["I nimme **{0}**"]
"good": {
"CannotChangeOwn": {
"EN": ["Sorry {0}, but you can't give yourself karma"],
"CHDE": ["Sorry {0}, aber du chasch dr selber kei karma geh"]
"WaitUntill": {
"EN": ["Sorry {0}, but you have to wait {1} before you can give karma again..."],
"CHDE": ["Sorry {0}, aber du musch no {1} warte bisch d wieder karma chasch geh..."]
"Increased": {
"EN": ["Karma gained"],
"CHDE": ["Karma becho"]
"By": {
"EN": ["By"],
"CHDE": ["Vo"]
"Amount": {
"EN": ["Amount"],
"CHDE": ["Mengi"]
"Current": {
"EN": ["Current"],
"CHDE": ["Jetzt"]
"bad": {
"CannotChangeOwn": {
"EN": ["Sorry {0}, but you can't lower your own karma"],
"CHDE": ["Sorry {0}, aber du chasch dr din eigete karma nid weg neh"]
"WaitUntill": {
"EN": ["Sorry {0}, but you have to wait {1} before you can lower karma again..."],
"CHDE": ["Sorry {0}, aber du musch no {1} warte bisch d wieder karma chasch senke..."]
"Decreased": {
"EN": ["Karma lowered"],
"CHDE": ["Karma gsenkt"]
"By": {
"EN": ["By"],
"CHDE": ["Vo"]
"Amount": {
"EN": ["Amount"],
"CHDE": ["Mengi"]
"Current": {
"EN": ["Current"],
"CHDE": ["Jetzt"]
"roll": {
"Rolled": {
"EN": ["{0}, you rolled {1}, your guess was {2}"],
"CHDE": ["{0}, du hesch {1} grollt und hesch {2} grate"]
"Gratz": {
"EN": ["Congratulations {0}, your guess was correct!"],
"CHDE": ["Gratuliere {0}, du hesch richtig grate!"]
"RolledNoGuess": {
"EN": ["{0}, you rolled {1}"],
"CHDE": ["{0}, du hesch {1} grollt"]
"NoPrevGuess": {
"EN": [":red_circle: {0}, you can't guess the same number again"],
"CHDE": [":red_circle: {0}, du chasch nid nomol es gliche rate"]
"cookies": {
"GetCookies": {
"EN": ["You got {0} cookies, there are now {1} cookies in you cookie jar"],
"CHDE": ["Du häsch {0} guetzli becho, du häsch jetzt {1} guetzli ih dr büchse"]
"WaitForMoreCookies": {
"EN": ["You already got cookies in the last 24 hours, you can have more cookies in {0}"],
"CHDE": ["Du hesch scho guetzli becho ih de letzti 24 stund, du chasch meh ha in {0}"]
"InYourJar": {
"EN": ["There are {0} cookies in you cookie jar"],
"CHDE": ["Es hät {0} guetzli ih dineri büchs"]
"Given": {
"EN": ["You gave {0} cookies to {1}"],
"CHDE": ["Du hesch {1} {0} guetzli geh"]
"NotEnoughToGive": {
"EN": ["You don't have enough cookies"],
"CHDE": ["Du hesch nid gnueg guetzli"]
"NotEnoughCookiesToEat": {
"EN": ["Your cookie jar looks almost empty, you should probably not eat a cookie"],
"CHDE": ["Du hesch chuum no guetzli ih dineri büchs, du sötsch warschinli keini esse"]
"AteCookies": {
"EN": ["You ate {0} cookies, you've only got {1} cookies left"],
"CHDE": ["Du hesch {0} guetzli gesse und hesch jezt no {1} übrig"]
"role": {
"NoRolesConfigured": {
"EN": ["There are no roles configured for this server"],
"CHDE": ["Es sind kei rolle für dä server konfiguriert"]
"ListHeader": {
"EN": ["**Self Service Roles on {0}**"],
"CHDE": ["**Self Service Rollene uf {0}**"]
"ListInstruction": {
"EN": ["To get a role, use `!role [name]`"],
"CHDE": ["Zum ä rolle becho, schriib `!role [name]`"]
"RoleNotFound": {
"EN": ["That role doesn't exist or is not on the whitelist"],
"CHDE": ["Die rolle gids nid or isch nid uf dr whitelist"]
"RemovedUserFromRole": {
"EN": ["Removed you from {0}"],
"CHDE": ["Han di entfernt vo {0}"]
"AddedUserFromRole": {
"EN": ["Added you to {0}"],
"CHDE": ["Han di hinzue gfüegt zu {0}"]
"CannotAddManagedRole": {
"EN": ["You can't add a role that is managed by discord"],
"CHDE": ["Du chasch kei rolle hinzuefüge wo verwalted wird vo discord"]
"CannotAddDangerousRole": {
"EN": ["You cannot add that role to self service because it contains one or more dangerous permissions"],
"CHDE": ["Du chasch die rolle nid hinzuefüge will er ein oder mehreri gföhrlichi berechtigunge het"]
"AddedRoleToWhitelist": {
"EN": ["Added {0} to the whitelist"],
"CHDE": ["{0} isch zur whitelist hinzuegfüegt"]
"RemovedRoleFromWhitelist": {
"EN": ["Removed {0} from the whitelist"],
"CHDE": ["{0} isch vo dr whitelist glöscht"]
"quote": {
"NoQuotesFound": {
"EN": ["This server doesn't seem to have any quotes yet. You can add a quote with `!quote save @user` or `!quote save <messageId>`"],
"CHDE": ["Dä server het no kei quotes. Du chasch quotes hinzuefüege mit `!quote save @user` oder `!quote save <messageId>`"]
"CannotSaveOwnQuotes": {
"EN": ["You can't save your own quotes..."],
"CHDE": ["Du chasch kei quotes vo dir selber speichere..."]
"CannotQuoteBots": {
"EN": ["You can't save quotes by a bot..."],
"CHDE": ["Du chasch kei quotes vomne bot speichere..."]
"QuoteAdded": {
"EN": ["**Quote Added**"],
"CHDE": ["**Quote hinzugfüegt**"]
"Removed": {
"EN": ["**Removed #{0}**"],
"CHDE": ["**#{0} glöscht**"]
"NotFoundWithId": {
"EN": ["I couldn't find a quote with that ID :disappointed:"],
"CHDE": ["Ich chan kei quote finde mit därri ID :disappointed:"]