
122 lines
4 KiB

"admin": {
"NewLanguageSet": {
"EN": "I will reply in english from now on",
"CHDE": "I werd ab jetzt uf schwiizerdüütsch antworte, äuuä"
"GetLanguage": {
"EN": "I'm talking english",
"CHDE": "I red schwiizerdüütsch"
"errorHandler": {
"SomethingWentWrong": {
"EN": "Something went wrong :confused:",
"CHDE": "Öppis isch schief gange :confused:"
"httpErrors": {
"403": {
"EN": "Seems like i don't have enough permission to that :confused:",
"CHDE": "Gseht danach us das ich nid gnueg recht han zum das mache :confused:"
"choose": {
"Choice": {
"EN": "I Choose **{0}**",
"CHDE": "I nimme **{0}**"
"good": {
"CannotChangeOwn": {
"EN": "Sorry {0}, but you can't give yourself karma",
"CHDE": "Sorry {0}, aber du chasch dr selber kei karma geh"
"WaitUntill": {
"EN": "Sorry {0}, but you have to wait {1} before you can give karma again...",
"CHDE": "Sorry {0}, aber du musch no {1} warte bisch d wieder karma chasch geh..."
"Increased": {
"EN": "Karma gained",
"CHDE": "Karma becho"
"By": {
"EN": "By",
"CHDE": "Vo"
"Amount": {
"EN": "Amount",
"CHDE": "Mengi"
"Current": {
"EN": "Current",
"CHDE": "Jetzt"
"bad": {
"CannotChangeOwn": {
"EN": "Sorry {0}, but you can't lower your own karma",
"CHDE": "Sorry {0}, aber du chasch dr din eigete karma nid weg neh"
"WaitUntill": {
"EN": "Sorry {0}, but you have to wait {1} before you can lower karma again...",
"CHDE": "Sorry {0}, aber du musch no {1} warte bisch d wieder karma chasch senke..."
"Decreased": {
"EN": "Karma lowered",
"CHDE": "Karma gsenkt"
"By": {
"EN": "By",
"CHDE": "Vo"
"Amount": {
"EN": "Amount",
"CHDE": "Mengi"
"Current": {
"EN": "Current",
"CHDE": "Jetzt"
"roll": {
"Rolled": {
"EN": "{0}, you rolled {1}, your guess was {2}",
"CHDE": "{0}, du hesch {1} grollt und hesch {2} grate"
"Gratz": {
"EN": "Congratulations {0}, your guess was correct!",
"CHDE": "Gratuliere {0}, du hesch richtig grate!"
"RolledNoGuess": {
"EN": "{0}, you rolled {1}",
"CHDE": "{0}, du hesch {1} grollt"
"NoPrevGuess": {
"EN": ":red_circle: {0}, you can't guess the same number again",
"CHDE": ":red_circle: {0}, du chasch nid nomol es gliche rate"
"cookie": {
"GetCookies": {
"EN": "You got {0} cookies, there are now {1} cookies in you cookie jar",
"CHDE": "Du häsch {0} guetzli becho, du häsch jetzt {1} guetzli ih dr büchse"
"WaitForMoreCookies": {
"EN": "You already got cookies in the last 24 hours, wait until {0} for more cookies",
"CHDE": "Du hesch scho guetzli becho ih de letzti 24 stund, wart no bis {0}"
"InYourJar": {
"EN": "There are {0} cookies in you cookie jar",
"CHDE": "Es hät {0} guetzli ih dineri büchs"
"Given": {
"EN": "You gave {0} cookies to {1}",
"CHDE": "Du hesch {1} {0} guetzli geh"
"NotEnoughToGive": {
"EN": "You don't have enough cookies",
"CHDE": "Du hesch nid gnueg guetzli"