# Jirac A CLI for creating and managing Jira issues directly from your terminal. ## Features - Create Jira issues from Markdown files or using your preferred editor - List issues assigned to specific users - Simple configuration using TOML - Interactive issue creation with templates - Execute JQL ## Installation ### from crates.io ``` cargo install jirac ``` ## Usage ``` Usage: jirac Commands: create Create an issue list Find issues currently assigned to you search Search for issues view View an issue init Set up the configuration help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ### Creating ab issue ``` Create an issue Usage: jirac create [OPTIONS] [MARKDOWN_FILE] Arguments: [MARKDOWN_FILE] A markdown file Options: --project The project key in which to create the issue --open Open the new issue in a browser -h, --help Print help ``` *Using your favourite editor* ```sh jirac create ``` *From a Markdown file* ```sh jirac create issue.md ``` *Specify a project* ```sh jirac create --project KEY ``` ### Listing issues ``` Find issues currently assigned to you Usage: jirac list [OPTIONS] Options: -o, --output Pick an output formatter [default: pretty] [possible values: pretty, json] -h, --help Print help ``` ### Search for issues ``` Search for issues Usage: jirac search [OPTIONS] Arguments: A JQL string Options: -o, --output Pick an output formatter [default: pretty] [possible values: pretty, json] -h, --help Print help ``` Use [JQL](https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/use-advanced-search-with-jira-query-language-jql/) to search for Issues. *Find all in-progress issues in a project* ``` jirac search 'project = KEY AND status = "In Progress" ORDER BY created DESC' ``` ### View an issue ``` View an issue Usage: jirac view [OPTIONS] Arguments: An issue key, for example, KEY-123 Options: -o, --output Pick an output formatter [default: pretty] [possible values: pretty, json] -h, --help Print help ``` ```sh ./target/release/jirac view KEY-123 ``` ## Configuration Get the following information: * Jira instance URL * You email * [An API key](https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens) Then run the `jirac init` command ``` Setup the configuration Usage: jirac init --url --email --token Options: --url Jira instance URL --email User email --token User Token -h, --help Print help ``` The config file is stored at: | OS | Location | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | Windows | `~/.config/jirac/config.toml` | | MacOS | `~/Library/Application Support/com.runebaas.jirac/config.toml` | | Linux | `%APPDATA%\runebaas\jirac\config\config.toml` |